Introducing the Cavalon Gyroplane

Part I

Introducing the most advanced, factory produced, type certified gyroplane available in the USA, the Cavalon. As a side-by-side touring model, Cavalon sits at the top of the product range offering a huge variety of features. With nearly 26 gallons of usable fuel, it handles great distances easily and flight endurance time nearing 6 hours.

Multiple adjustments to both pilot and passenger seating positions, rudder pedals, and electronically controlled lumbar support allow absolute comfort to easily avoid fatigue when spending the day aloft. A wide cabin ensures personal space is maintained even though seated side by side.

For cold weather operations dual level heated seats and cabin heating warms the cockpit without any possibility of pilot incapacitation from carbon monoxide for it is coolant and not exhaust based.

The expansive instrument panel has space to incorporate a wide range of avionics as well as surveillance equipment for industry and law enforcement.

Part II

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Robert Lutz