
Discovery Flights

Discovery flights are the perfect way to experience gyroplane flight for the first time. Each flight includes a gyroplane flight around Long Island, fuel, instruction, safety briefing, tour of our flight center and a free log book. Flights are scheduled via email upon purchase of discovery flight. Not sure when to fly? Buy now and schedule later!



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Gift the freedom of flight for the holiday, birthday or special occasion! Discovery flights and intro courses are the perfect way to experience gyroplane flight for the first time and get a hands on experience on what its like to fly gyro . Each flight includes a gyroplane flight around Long Island, fuel, instruction, safety briefing, tour of our flight center and a free log book. Flights are scheduled via email upon purchase of discovery flight. Not sure when to fly? Buy now and schedule later!



Media Kits

Your discovery flight is going to present an exciting and unique experience best shared with other by choosing one of our professional media kits.



Pilot Shop

Gyro Club Shirt
Gyro Club Hat